Like almost all self improvement books there is a lot you have already heard or read, but it does help keep the momentum going with some new perspectives and the reminders of what you already have been told (and even believed a little bit). This is a third edition and in fact he has more than 100 suggestions (110).
As you read it much will seem familiar and perhaps even corny. But somewhere in there you should be able to find something that hits a nerve and just might spark a small change in attitude or behaviour that will be positive.
We too often avoid doing things because we feel we can't give it justice, but in fact once we start generally we improve. G K Chesterton once said, "If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing badly."
Some tips were intended to be easy to get you in the right direction. Singing helps put you in a good mood. Reading mystery books sharpens your brain. Simplifying your life by removing clutter helps you focus on what is important. Learning to say no helps cut the clutter.
Conversely listing what you don't want in your life encourages you to think what must be done to avoid these unwanted things and tasks. For instance if you don't want to be fat and unfit you should consider an exercise strategy and a change in diet.
Problems can be discouraging, but turn your thinking to the idea that without problems there are no solutions. Rituals are those things you usually do before the action you are focused on, for instance a few warmups before running or cycling. They can help build momentum and help you get really moving.
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