The purpose of resolutions is to improve oneself or to get more out of life. Putting them down on paper and letting others know creates a stronger determination.
First reflect back on how well I lived up to my 2014 resolutions. I am in the process of describing my year in a post that will be released January 1st.
Exercising not too bad--but one weak spot was pushups
Reading and movies overachieved--perhaps too obsessive, but feel I did broaden my awareness.
Mindfulness--went backwards a bit-- did listen to more music, usually displacing repetitive news casts
Superficially I achieved my blogging goal, but suspect it is misleading. At work I am wrestling with what social media stats really mean. My blog stats don't balance and sometimes seem irrational. Probably I don't understand the logic behind it. I assume higher numbers mean more attention, but suspect that too often much of the higher numbers are meaningless. Very few people actually follow me and I don't generate much awareness.
One can always do better, but selecting the right goals is important.
Time management is the key to everything else. Do more activities on the A and B lists instead of floundering around. There is always enough time to do significant things if not wasting opportunities.
Fitness- is a combination of exercise, diet and rest. They are all related. Work to do 60 sit-ups and 50 pushups while doing 3000 kilometres on elliptical machine (to 7300). Walk as much as possible.
Mindfulness is not meant to be measured, but need to pay more attention as I do things--eating being one good example. Tapping, tai'chi are other areas to explore.
Getting older and need to cultivate my real social network which is more important that social media network, but not unrelated. Be nicer.
Blogging is one of my most enjoyable activities. Like looking at old photos, writing personal memories while I can is enjoyable. Although I did achieve goal of page views, it doesn't seem accurate. Although the numbers don't add up would again set the goal of 2+ page views per hour or a total page view count of 61,000. Getting more followers and comments would be a good indicator. Will set out to average 2 posts a week while continuing to review past work for grammar, tag words and giving links between related posts. Also use social media a bit more to draw attention.
Read 20,000 plus pages and watch 200+ movies.
In the next 30 months I hope to put three of us to visit New Zealand.
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