I agree it is necessary to concentrate on cleaning up the mess and restoring the displaced people back to normalcy as quickly as practical.
The article suggested the claim of being too political (Justin was one of the many accusers) would not have been made if a virus had been causing a problem in Fort McMurray. We would all want to know the cause so we could prevent a future occurrence. Climate change has been made a political issue, when it really should be a scientific issue.
My contention is that climate change has been established by reputable scientists as a major problem requiring international co-operation. It should be considered the top priority for politicians, but unfortunately they are tied in too strongly to vested interests who can take advantage of basic ignorance and suspicion.
On Facebook I was disturbed to see one post stating that while the mess was being cleaned up the government should not spend one cent helping refugees. The priorities are always changing, but a commitment has been made and until it has been fulfilled it seems to me that we are honour bound. After that it is logical to re assess our priorities, but I hope we would not base our decisions just on racially charged concerns and the overblown fear of terrorism.
Reviewing my thoughts on the refugee crisis. We are complicit in it, one item of which climate change has been a factor. We benefit from new blood while Syria suffers a brain drain. Previous blog: http://www.therealjohndavidson.com/2015/11/the-syrian-refugee.html
Politics has always been about power. Sometimes it is tied to the people's welfare, but too often it is a convenient cover for vested interests. In the case of climate change the people's welfare has been taking a back seat to vested interests of those who control fossil fuels. We are talking about literally trillions of dollars presently in the ground which can buy an awful lot of political power.
To read the original article in Huffington Post by G. Ellijah Dann of Simon Fraser University:
http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/g-elijah-dann/fort-mcmurray-fire_b_9890178.html Let's have that political discussion about a scientifically claim that affects everyone.
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