All movies start with an idea. Someone may have written a full script, but often the idea starts out as a casual conversation until someone seizes on it and takes it to the next step. A producer's first function is to identify a viable idea and after deciding to go forward organize the many tasks needed to develop a finished product and have it distributed. Sometimes the decision is made to hire a producer to make sure the idea gets handled properly. Film rights, need to be secured, sometimes preceded by options
Creative people including writers and directors need to raise money, but often find that money comes with strings. People with money want to be sure they will get their money back and with a reasonable chance of a profit. Usually that means they want it to be more "commercial." At the same time producers can be part of the creative process and many of them started with different functions. Sometimes they start with an idea and search out writers and directors to flesh out the idea. They are approached by artistic people needing financial support.
Investors are sought. There are some people who like the glamour, but other investors need to be reassured their money is safe. A producer spends and supervises the money. Once financing is secured a budget can be established and a schedule. Location is another big decision, whether to go on site or build or rent a set. The cast, the director, sometimes the writing, costumes, sets, countless workers who have to be fed and transported. They are expected to make sure there is an audience to view the end product. Very often they can be a driving force behind the creative effort. Time management is difficult when there are so many pieces to juggle. Needless to say these functions can be very fluid, taking a long time with many ups and downs and overlapping with creative decisions.
Film projects involve a lot of people performing different functions under the guidance of a producer. The Academy Awards are very careful in deciding who is the producer as they are the one who actually receives the Best Picture Oscar. Other subordinate titles include executive producer, line producer, associate producer, co-producer, etc. Their exact functions and responsibilities depend on a multitude of factors.
The cast is obviously a key part, but so is a director and writer. Not only because of their quality, but also concerned for cost, timeliness and compatibility. Flat fees or percentage of gross/net are the usual options. A big star helps sell investors and consumers both, but can take up too much of a budget or be too big a distraction. Other crew members can be almost as critical: cinematographer, editor, composer, costume and set designers and there are many more.
Distribution channels have to be worked out. Most movies appear in a theatre for about two to four weeks (or less). Some movies go to television, DVD, foreign language, theatre chains, streaming services. Many producers spend time at film festivals to meet with distributors that may come from all over the world looking for something they can sell to their audiences.
Marketing costs can be enormous, sometimes even more than the cost of finalizing a film. Online has become very key, but traditional newspapers, tv., radio, billboards are used to target different segments. Festivals are more important as producers try to create credibility in the form of selections and awards.
A few sketches of notable producers.
Perhaps one of the first producers people of my generation became aware of was Walt Disney. He started out as an animator and made short cartoons such as "Steamboat Willy" in 1928 with synchronized sound. He became the voice of Mickey Mouse. First long animated feature was "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" in 1937 that defied early critics to become a big success. In 1950 he started live action films. Most of his films were based on folk tales. "Saving Mr Banks" recounted his efforts to get the rights for "Mary Poppins" and portrays the sort of efforts that some producers undergo.

When you are evaluating a movie take into account the producer as he or she made it possible and left their fingerprints if you look.
What a great description of what a movie producer is!! It gives a great detail of the work a producer has to go complete a movie!!