My interest in his story started by accident noticing a title "1991" (2018). Sure enough the author wanted to remember a key year in his life. He ended up in Perugia, Italy although his Italian linguistic skills were limited. He presented more than one version of what really happened and most of us could identify one version as wishful thinking. Kept me laughing with many human foibles exposed.

In the meantime the four are involved stealing car radios. His friends suggest that as an Italian he was the most natural. Finally running from the police and inevitably getting caught and identified. To get some leverage he identifies a friend who had been seen with his girl friend. Near the end he is seen cycling from Ste Foy towards Trois Rivieres over 100 kilometres away as his girl friend has confessed she loves him and wants to lose her virginity. As the movie ends we learn the outcome of the main characters. In his case it turns out he was asked to make choices for college and as Italian class was full he elected cinema for fun
Ricardo Trogi got an early break in 1994 when as participant on tv program he was given a chance to travel to make a short film. When back home he made a series of short films two of which were chosen for"La Longue Nuit des court-métrang" (Long Night of Short films) at Cannes. A few years later did his first feature film as a writer/director "Quebec-Montreal" winning an award for comedy and also success at the box office and some festivals. Not everyone gets to indulge in what amounts to film autobiography, but he certainly does it very entertainingly. Maybe not finished.
Ricardo's wife, Anne-Karine Gauthier was the clothing co-ordinator for "1981" for which she was nominated for a Genie award. She also worked with "Quebec-Montreal." She has her own independent career including television productions.
Three actors carried through all three films, aging naturally. Jean-Carl Boucher played Ricardo as an 11 year old, then a 17 year old and finally(?) as a 21 year old. His father Claudio Colangelo played his father and Sandrine Bisson played his mother winning a Jutra award as best supporting actress for "1981" and nominated for a Canadian Screen award for "1987." Rose Adam played his sister in "1981" and "1987."
I watched one other of his films "Le Mirage" (2015). It was about a man caught up in trying to maintain his status despite turbulent financial stresses. His relation with his wife and another couple underwent difficulties for which I became increasingly unconcerned. Sex was a big part of his attempts to maintain self respect, but very counter productive. All through the film he was confronted by consumer and duty expectations from his wife and two children. Unlike the triology the ending did not leave much hope.
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