The Covid pandemic and the Trump regime marked 2020 as a nightmare. Access to more things opened up. New habits were formed with more online shopping and zoom meetings. We noticed more people walking dogs. One of our hi-lites is that we both got our double vaccination and the booster shot. I blame anti vaxxers for the avoidable restrictions that have hampered our lives. Now onto the more memorable events of the year.
A new family member, Wrigley.
Starting off with obituaries might seem strange. It was sad to lose these people, but we look back on what they contributed to our lives.

Colin Powell died of complications from Covid and cancer. To me he always radiated calmness, common sense and courage. He will be most remembered for a speech at the United Nations that should not have been made. He was chosen because he had the most credibility of anyone with the George Bush administration and basically was told what to say. He redeemed himself by pulling away from the administration and even from the Republican party.
Desmond Tutu, a champion against the apartheid regime in South Africa. He spoke gently, but in a sense carried a big stick. "Do your little bit of good where you are. It's those little bits of good put together that change the world."
E.O. Wilson is a scientist who many have not heard of. He studied ants which might seem very petty, but he understood the workings of groups ,civilization and the meaning of life. His books left such a strong impression on me that I did two blogs.
The lockdown has severely curtailed going out, but Heather and Laura gave us a zoom meeting (and the cheese and beer) through Grain and Grit, a local brewery on beer and cheese pairing. I am more of a wine drinker, but learned a few things, certainly got some flavorable offerings. Our leader was Hannah. A bonus was no need to find a designated driver.
When the lockdown eased enough we had some visitors.
Sharon's birthday at Caro's on James St. North. Later in the year we visited their Ottawa Street location.
Theodore Too Tugboat visits Hamilton from Halifax.
In late summer we got organized to put together a Rock Garden. No more lawn mower!
Outdoor Christmas meal under a gazebo.
New Years Eve was different from others of the last twenty years. Most of the time we hosted a party of friends and one year we spent the midnight hour in Auckland, New Zealand. This year we took out some excellent Thai food, watched two not particularly good movies and were in bed to watch the falling of the ball which was recorded we hope for a more festive time.
Covid Pandemic encourage reading and movie watching.
My 3 most popular blogs of the year:
Restaurants: A short list of ones I enjoyed visiting.Culantro Peruvian Cookery, Afrolicious, Pho B & T., Caro, Earth to Table
I was able to do a fair amount of reading:
I love movies which are really what my wife's Aunt May would call "stories." Here are my 2021 English speaking favorites:
As is usually the case I find that my favorites come with those annoying subtitles (in the world there are actually a lot more of them):
You can check my blog for 2020:
Next year has got to be better.
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