Friday, August 18, 2023

Us Against You

 This is a bit of an awkward selection.  I didn't realize Fredrik Backman had written a book between two favorites, "Beartown" and "Winners" on the same topic of a hockey team in northern Sweden.  If you are not a hockey fan you might be put off by the topic, but if you really enjoy character and relationship development you would be a loser.  Politics plays a surprising or not role.  As one manipulative character explains, "Everything is political.  Everyone needs allies."

Fredrik Backman is perhaps best known for "A Man Called Ove" which was made into a Swedish movie of the same name and more recently an American movie called "A Man Called Otto" starring Tom Hanks.  Another book made into a tv. series was "Anxious People." 

The repercussions of the rape of the coach's daughter related in the first book plays out further.  To add to the social turmoil gay bashing is recounted from which one quote is worth remembering:  "They've <most of us> lived their whole life assuming it was something you could tell about a person at first glance.  But you <a central character> them."

A lot happened between the first and the third book.  Some new characters were introduced that carry on to the third book.  There are some deaths.  The relationships that we were made aware of progress with circumstances.

A female coach does not fit any stereotypes.

Sponsorship played a bigger role between two rival nearby teams and also a foreign player with their own agenda.  

I have read a few other of Backman's books and seen a movie.   I highly recommend this series, but suggest read it in proper sequence as developing relationships are very key.  Start with "Beartown" then move onto "Us Against You" and finish up with "The Winners".  Personally I would like to read another sequel.

I spent two years in a small rural town where hockey was king.  One of my classmates made it to the NHL.  Track and basketball were my sports and I did very well at the local high school, but those sports didn't attract the crowds or interest generated by hockey.  As for me, hockey was the Saturday nite entertainment and I attended most games.  Elsewhere I have mentioned meeting hockey celebrities like Bobby Orr and Gordie Howe and sharing a common influencer with Wayne Gretsky.  My sports preference is for basketball and increasingly soccer.

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