As a Canadian I am alarmed over American politics, especially as a conman is believed by enough voters to get himself elected a second time. One realizes Americans don't want to be lectured by a foreigner, but they are being conned and it affects the rest of the globe. Hopefully some Americans who have been led astray will catch the message.
America seems to be in a doze. They are overlooking things that are critical. Education is attacked by people who are afraid of the truth--Blacks, Asian and Gays have been abused, but have contributed to the overall welfare. It will take maybe another generation to soften racist and homophobic attitudes so more of us can work together.
Something that should be screaming for attention is climate change. As time goes by the more sacrifice money, property and lives will be required. There is no location that is free of climate change. We now understand that forest fires distribute harmful smoke that affect breathing. Florida and Texas are significant not only for their size and the direct impact of climate change, but also for their pig headed opposition. The situation is beyond having to take someone's word. Few are beyond the effects of climate change.
Some voters are most alarmed by scary immigration and others about escalating food prices. There are many factors in these issues, but most definitely climate change is part of them. Get to the root and many problems come down to a workable size.
Immigrants are actually badly needed due to the fact that Americans are having smaller families. Although pictured as bringing in bad things, they actually have been critical helping to raise living standards throughout American history. We need to realize why the increased desperation. One factor might be to escape authoritarian governments, but another big one is climate change. Climate change has resulted in droughts, hurricanes and floods. Higher temperatures have caused deaths. Trump intervened to stop the implementation of a bipartisan plan as he felt he needed a talking point.
The economy today follows the economy of past years. When Obama was inaugurated he inherited a mess. He turned around the situation and handed over a growing economy to Trump. Trump immediately had a major tax reduction favoring the very wealthy. This move increased inequality and the national debt. Before Covid things started to reverse, but Covid was a major disaster he mishandled. Supply lines were disrupted. Money was injected into the economy. Under the Biden-Harris administration the U.S. recovered better than any other industrial nation.
There is much more to consider, but Trump thinks only of himself. Kamala Harris is someone he doesn't understand, but she understands the middle class. Trump lies about a wide range of issues--his audience size, immigration, crime rates, climate change etc. The choice may seem simple, but logic plays only a small role.