Monday, September 23, 2024

The Choice

 A very momentous decision is about to be made.  The "Free world" could be led by an egotistical maniac with dictatorial tendencies.  Or the choice could involve someone who has a record of actually improving lives and thinks much deeper.  Or some might vote for a third party, but with the U.S. electoral system the way it is that would be counter productive.

An important element of the decision is that many people have a very distorted view.  

Going back a few years the Democrat, Barrack Obama took over a mess left by the Republican George Bush.  Almost right away he stopped the downward spiral and gradually turned the economy around and after eight years he handed over a growing economy to Donald Trump.  One of Trump's first priorities was to reduce taxes, particularly for the wealthy.  This helped pump a lot of money into the economy, but it also increased the deficit that Republicans declared would be covered by the improved economy (not so).  Another feature was that it increased inequality.  To better understand Republican priorities check

Things seemed to be okay while a few economic factors declined, but were easily overlooked.  When the Covid Pandemic started the Americans were unprepared (some Republican budget cuts didn't help).  Trump took over the government publicity.  He mocked a well respected expert, Dr. Fauci.  At one point it became a conservative thinking to resist the need for masking and vaccinations.  His actions likely caused a huge number of deaths and made the economy worse.

Beyond Trump's mishandling, the pandemic affected the entire world, rich and poor.  At one point it was necessary for governments to spend large amounts of money.  People were not spending money as jobs were scarce and supplies were difficult to find as many scooped up and hoarded what they could find.   Businesses were adjusting to new conditions and supply lines shriveled.  While Trump was still president inflation went down to less than 2% (because people were not buying), but quickly changed when large amounts of money was put into the economy.

When Biden took over more money was spent and a lot of energy applied to attracting jobs.  Consumers were ecstatic and started buying again.  Supply lines were still in recovery.  Another factor was climate change that affected food supplies (fires, floods or droughts) meaning some products were scarce.  Inflation was a result of money pumped in and supply chains being diminished.  People seemed to think Biden was the cause of the misery of high inflation.  Granted prices are difficult compared to five years ago, but the question should be, who is to blame?  Who offers the better solution?

They seem to think Trump's economy was better, but was it?  Biden's economy has outperformed all other wealthy nations that had undergone the same  pandemic.  But Americans have a tendency to think only of themselves.

Trump didn't just damage the economy, some of his other moves also had long term consequences.

The International Climate Agreement was abandoned.  The Republican conservatives (note those with vested interest) mocked climate change.  It is hard to understand how urgent, but the evidence is mounting and still there is resistance.  The United States is the natural leader, but those in control are protecting their selfish interests.  What are the consequences of not effectively dealing with climate change?

The Iran Agreement had been negotiated by Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia.  Basically it was to force Iran from advancing to a nuclear weapon.  At the time Iran had maintained all its requirements.  It seems likely first that Trump was pressured by conservatives who detested Iran, but also by  Israel who wanted it broken.  Another perspective on Iran:

Was an opportunity to steer Iran in our direction missed?  The consequences have been disastrous.  Iran has gravitated to the orbit of Russia and stirring up trouble in the Mid-East.

The Israel connection was strengthened.  Trump's first foreign visit was to Saudi Arabia, but partly the aim was to get a business deal for Israel.  They moved their embassy to Jerusalem.  These moves were without consulting Palestine.  There was already a lot of resentment.  Did Trump's decisions increase or decrease that resentment?  Netanyahu seems to feel if Trump wins in November he can continue his war against Hamas.  Trump has some strong hints he supports Netanyahu.  Check

Immigration is a concern.   Ironically America NEEDS immigrants, both to do the grubby work, care for an aging population, but also to innovate for the future.  Educated Europeans are not as anxious as they once were.  They already have less inequality.  A bi-partisan solution favored by border guards was blocked by Trump who felt he wanted the issue to campaign on.  Does racism play a role in anti immigration rhetoric?  Businesses love cheap labor.   

Trump admires Putin, or maybe he has personal reasons for supporting their interests.  He claims he could end the conflict very quickly.  It is speculated that he would make land adjustments based on military positions.  We can't be sure what he would really do, but we do know he has been behind Congressional delays in funding Ukraine's battle against an imperialist enemy. 

Any one is entitled to make a mistake, but perhaps some voters have been mesmerized by style.  Exaggeration, blaming, mocking non supporters are not the marks of  a leader.  Lying should be unacceptable.  Inciting an insurrection is grounds for prison.

That is all on the one hand.

Joe Biden may have appeared under the weather in a critical debate and long term his age is a legitimate concern.  But he made good choices, perhaps with the help of well chosen staff.  Not sure of his motivations under pressure, but he made a choice for the betterment of America.

Kamala Harris has a sterling record of getting results that improved lives of people.  I suspect her plans are more progressive than conservatives would like, but the U.S. has a long way to catch up to what needs to be done. The Republicans in general are still resistant, even mocking efforts to fighting climate change.  See 

 The choice seems a no brainer.   But maybe we will come to better appreciate their educational system.

 In June 2016 I suggested the election was an IQ test;

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