Thursday, November 7, 2024

Post Election 2024

As a Canadian I look at the American election as insanity.  The two most heard excuses for their choice were the economy and immigration.

The economy really means the cost of living which certainly merits serious concern.  The big question should be "Why"?  A little overlooked history should have been noted.  Obama took over a financial crisis and over eight years turned it to a rising economy.  Trump's first action was to put in a large tax reduction that not only added to the deficit, but also increased inequality.  Others can argue about how he handled the economy after that, but in general jobs were lost and inflation moderately increased that is until the pandemic crisis that Obama warned was possible.  Not Trump's fault, but he acted almost criminal in his management--mocking experts and discouraging masks and vaccines.  Lots of jobs were lost, businesses closed and critically supply chains were disrupted.   A few businesses were able to take advantage and others went under

There are many ways a government might approach the problem--an important component would be to pump in more money.  Climate change didn't stop and agriculture suffered meaning food prices went up.  Climate instances have increased and have had a negative impact on prices.  Money was borrowed and some was printed, otherwise the job situation would have been pretty bleak.  Trump negotiated a deal with Saudi Arabia designed to increase oil prices.  These last four years of recovery have been difficult times with difficult decisions required.  Compared to the rest of the world it must be said the Biden administration made the better choices, but Americans really didn't care how other nations fared.  Did voters really think the world has fully recovered from the Covid pandemic?

Immigration does bring out emotions.  One question seems to be unasked--why the increase and desperation?  Climate change plays a role, but also so do repressive governments.  Expect more immigration pressure.  Gwynne Dyer in a recent blog pointed out the pressure definitely will increase and anticipates the borders can be sealed by actually shooting violators.  It is past time for greater global co-operation.   Read more:

What should have been unforgiven was Trump's efforts to discard a bi-partisan effort to deal with the immigration crisis.  Trump was pretty open about it--he wanted an issue to campaign on.  As we got closer to the election, both the economy and the border situation markedly improved, but one would not know it from the bombast coming from Trump.

It seems these two issues were so important that voters could overlook character in their assessment of who should make the national decisions for the next four years.  Trump with high priced legal help (much paid by his adoring fans) has evaded courts that he seems to realize have incriminating evidence that could put him in prison.  The fact that he intimidates those who do not cater to him--that he uses excessive bragging and blaming others.  The fact that he has a relationship with Putin that bodes ill for Ukraine (and others) doesn't seem of concern.  He also seems to favor Netanyahu who is avoiding a two state solution (and also prison).

Perhaps the biggest disappointment was that the recent victims of hurricanes for the most part voted for climate change deniers.  They had been lied to and still preferred to believe the misinformation rather than actual facts.   

Some will claim the Democrats should have ditched Biden before and found someone better than Kamala Harris.  My very personal view is that Kamala was the person with the right temperament and ability, but being a woman of mixed racial heritage probably did offend some sensibilities.  The Republicans highlighted by Trump did exert pressure on Biden, so much so that the Democrats felt they had to do something.  Although many would disagree the arrangement with the Biden administration was basically working--Biden made good decisions and took expert advice.  If he doddered around where cameras could catch him and let himself take a cold to a debate that obviously created a problem that Trump was quick to exploit.

I revealed my preference for Kamala more than four years ago.  See

Lots of things will happen in the next four years.  Climate change will become more evident.  Foreign powers will take advantage of American isolation.  Chinese leverage will likely be boosted.  Regulations of all sorts will be alleviated with untold effects, not all of which will be good.  Almost for certain inequality will increase.  Will the voters wake up?

College educated voters respond better to the Democrats, but in truth most did not study the facts enough.

A great plan to benefit those at the top has reached another level.  Check

Thank you for letting me vent.  

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