Monday, February 17, 2025


 The world watches as America has been taken over.  Trump and his crew are changing the laws for their personal benefit.  The suckers who voted for them have not quite caught on yet, but the conversions will start slowly.

 I live in a fairly safe place among the Great Lakes.  Last year I only shoveled my sidewalk on a corner once.  There was more ice than on previous years.  This year there has definitely been a much more serious problem with ice  and  on the Valentine weekend more snow than I can remember.

Climate change is dismissed, often with a laugh.  But the situation only gets more obvious.  Looking in your own backyard only tells a small part of the story, but the evidence is getting closer to home each year.

Most of us in Ontario have figured out that climate change is for real, but haven't suffered too much yet.  Americans have had lots of opportunities to reflect on the changing weather.  Hurricanes have hit the Southeast whose myopic citizens mostly voted for Trump crooks.  Forest fires have been more severe on the west coast who mostly have voted other than Trump, but their votes don't have as much impact.  From my Canada we have had severe forest fires that sent smoke to New York City.  

Do you really believe that self serving bullshit from the Trump gang?  Don't be too embarrassed to admit you made a serious mistake, but unfortunately we will all suffer for at least a couple of years.  I understand (I do believe scientists) that the effects will continue for quite a few years to come regardless.  The solution will take time and a lot of effort and sacrifice.  Trump's oil buddies will resist as much as possible. 

The weather was only one big LIE.  There are many others being uncovered.  Remember always the rich take care of themselves for they feel the need for more money.

It is hard to understand Trump siding with Putin.  One bully to another might be one explanation, but it seems likely Putin has some sort of hold over Trump.  In any case favoring Putin over Ukraine is very bad for the rest of the world.  Rewarding criminal behavior only encourage more of it.   Ultimately the more money comes from the rest of us.

The rich get richer and the poor continue downhill.  The law is made by rich people who got elected by the masses.  It is no accident about inequality.  Too many of us are easily manipulated, but at some point you need to WAKE UP.  The smug think saying "Woke" is an insult, but they are the ones who are dishonest.  The Greens were not wrong, just didn't get started soon enough.

As a Canadian perhaps you think my opinion doesn't matter.  The whole world is watching and suffering and hoping somehow the powers that be come to their senses or in other words WAKE UP.

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