Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Is the Trump Derangement Syndrome valid?

 If you are progressive or even politically neutral it is very difficult to avoid really serious criticism of Donald Trump and his gang.  They shrug and dismiss it all as merely "Trump Derangement Syndrome" meaning the critics are all deluded.  Their supporters nod in agreement.  On my side of the table this is outrageous.

 It is implied that any criticism is irrelevant.  Democracy doesn't work that way.  We don't want a king or dictator to make all our decisions. 

Rather than using carefully thought out policy ideas Trump seems to prefer mocking people and ideas that stand in his way.  Lying is a tool to make his points.  Being provocative seems to appeal to a segment of his audience who find him entertaining and serious policy debates boring, if  not offensive.

After his victory in 2016 he said he loved the "poorly educated" and now we learn he wants to close the Education Department.  To my progressive nature it seems obvious education is the key to progress.  Most poor people realize they would be better off if they had more education, however there are also many who resent educated people who seem to boss them.

Rather than debate policy issues they prefer to mock in an attempt to de-humanize.  He has nicknames for some of his strongest opponents---Kamala Harris (Laffin Kamala), Joe Biden (Sleepy Joe), Elaine Chao (Coco Chow), Liz Cheney (Low IQ Warhawk), Hilary Clinton (Crooked Hilary) and Jack Smith (Deranged Jack Smith).  Outsiders might find these derogatory addresses are a poor way to develop trust. His supporters look forward to what innovative insults he comes up with.  Breaking the law has no consequences for Trump, but his precedents bode ill for our future.

Catering to prejudices with such remarks as "shithole countries"  and "very fine people on both sides".

Many of his actual policies are harmful.  Climate change is real and guaranteed to get worse, but Trump has aligned himself with the fossil fuel financial interests.   He feels the very rich are hard done by and it would be better if they paid less in taxes and so what if the poor lose tools to improve their lives.   He expresses support for international abusers of democracy (some who kill their opposition).

I am sure that most of the people in my choir can think of many (many) examples how the voters have been abused and that "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is a pathetic defense of his actions.  Thank you, however few you might be to let me rant.  Maybe Hilary Clinton was not wrong.

More on what I consider essential--education  http://www.therealjohndavidson.com/2011/11/education-and-our-future.html

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