Sunday, February 23, 2025

When the Stars gossip

 Some people  are put off by science fiction, but they are missing some films that relate to our everyday living.  Science fiction can be an amazing piece of technology, but it can also be a tool to explore humanity.

"When the Stars Gossip" (2025) portrays a space station run by Koreans with one Spanish speaking scientist which means some of the dialogue is in English, a common language.  Their work deals with fertility in a zero gravity environment.  For that they use mice and fruit flies.  The series covers both in a space station, but also back on earth involving many of the characters on both locations.

One of the main characters is an obstetrician working on his own secret mission as a patron had spent enough money to allow a him to travel as a "tourist".  There are a lot of dramatic and romantic complications that make this series very gripping.

This is a mammoth project with top professionals.  Here are only a few:

Park Shin-Woo was the director.  He has 10 credits including as the creator of "It's Okay Not to Be Okay" (2020).  See

Seo-Sook Hyang wrote the script.  She has 5 credits for writing.

Nam Hye Seung wrote the music.  She has 77 composing credits including "Crash Landing on You" (2019), "Vagabond" (2020), "It's Okay Not to Be Okay" (2020) and "Queen of Tears" (2024).  See  I confess I have bought a few of her songs.

Lee Min-ho plays Gong Rygong, the tourist and obstetrician.   He is very popular in not only Korea, but also Japan, Philippines, China, France and Latin America.  He has appeared on Chinese television.  In 2000 early in his career he was involved in an auto accident that killed two others in the same car and hospitalized both him and one other.  He has 26 acting credits.

Kong Hyo-jin  played Eve Kom, the commander.  As a teenager she went with her family to Australia for three years.  She has 41 acting credits.

 Kim Joo-Hun plays one of the astronauts.  He has over 20 plays acting on stage.  He has 31 film acting credits including "Train to Busan" (2016), "Designated Survivor: 60 days" (2019), "It's Okay Not Be Okay" (2020), "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" (2022) and "Castaway Diva" (2023).  See and

Oh Jung se plays another of the team.  He has 91 acting credits including  "It's Okay Not To Be Okay" (2020), "Little Women" (2022) and "Queen of Tears" (2024).  See

 Alex Hafner played the Spanish speaking astronaut.  He is fluent in in German, Spanish, English and French.  He has 34 acting credits, 4 for producing credits and 2 for directing.

Lee El plays the ground crew captain.  She has 34 acting credits including "My Liberation Diary"(2022).

Paul Battle plays a family member to a key role.  He played a saxophone in a jazz band.  He is from Canada and first went to Korea to teach English (as did my son).   A second visit resulted in a film career speaking Korean with 22 acting credits, 2 for directing and 5 for producing including  "You Are my Spring" (2021), "Vincenzo" (2022) and "Melancholia" (2022).   See

"When the Stars Gossip" is now fully available subtitled and dubbed on Netflix.  Very engaging.

As usual I have bolded the first mention of films I have seen.  They are not necessarily a recommendation, but generally I found them worthy of my time.  If you follow the links you should be able to determine if a particular film is worth following up.

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