Thursday, March 6, 2025

At a Loss for Words

Words are critical and how they are used is meaningful.  Carol Off laments how some important words have been transformed.  Un-fortunately the transformation are impacting our lives.  Words have become weapons.

The first word is Freedom.  One example was how the Freedom Convoy defined freedom as not obeying government protocols for masks, distancing and vaccinations.  The author suggests that your freedom ends near the tip of my nose.  I would go further and suggest your freedom should be restricted to not harming me.  The point is that one person's freedom should be balanced against other people, but so many view personal restrictions as a lack of freedom.  One conclusion is that freedom needs to be more inclusive.  

The second word is Democracy.  At one time kings made the decisions.  A few centuries ago only white men who owned property could vote.  Over time and with a great deal of effort men without property (renters), women, people of different racial minorities were allowed to vote.  The voting age has gradually been lowered.  Some jurisdictions make it easy for eligible voters to actually vote while others make it difficult.  Alexis de Tocqueville wrestled with the notion that democracy and equality were difficult to balance.  The author noted that the United Empire Loyalists were not in favor of democracy.  Early suffragettes wanted to exclude Asians and indigenous.  

Project 2025 is the product of key backers for Donald Trump.  If he goes the plan will likely go forward as long as nobody stops them. 

The third word is Truth.  Misinformation is prolific.  The media tries to convey true facts but much of their "freedom" is restricted by corporations.  Those with vested interests have command of our personal data and have targeted people who can be easily persuaded of their truths.  Prejudices have long been a tool of politicians, but now they can be used in a nuanced and more effective manner.

The fourth word is Woke.  This is a relatively new word, now used to mock people who have different family values.  Newt Gingrich is credited with using words to attack rivals, regardless of reality..  Black Lives Matter has been used to make whites feel uncomfortable in fact to make them feel guilty.  

Ron De Santis uses "woke" to characterize progressive thinkers as unworthy to discuss or debate.  Others think the world needs to wake up before it is too late. 

The fifth word is Choice.  It refers mainly to the abortion issue.  The laws were all set by males.  At one time it was noted that deaths related to (illegal) abortions were the leading cause of deaths for women of child bearing years.  It took a number of champions including Dr. Morton Shulman and Dr. Henry Morgentaler among many others.  Pierre Trudeau is famous for "There is no place for the state in the nation's bedrooms", but nevertheless did not change abortion laws.  After much effort American politicians forced the reversal of their abortion laws despite most of the public supporting them.  

Margaret Atwood famous for  "The Handmaid's Tale" asked "If you are going to ban abortion what are the alternatives.  What are you proposing?  Are you going to take care of all these children?". 

The final word is Taxes, an offensive word to some.  Most politicians prefer to talk about reducing taxes, but in fact a lot of problems would be resolved with higher taxes, especially from the wealthy.  It seems that one of the underlying strategies appealing to prejudices is a strategy to distract voters from efforts to reduce taxes.  It is more than just money, but a resentment from wealthy people that lesser people should share in their hard earned money.  One new idea for me comes from Carol Off is that workers are subsidized by government programs.  The worker is more pleased with working conditions and have more money to spend.

The years 1945-1980 were ones with the closest equality.  There have always been those manipulating to get a bigger share of the wealth.  Ronald Reagan, famously said "the government is the problem".  He brought forth much lower taxes for the top income groups:  from 90% to 28% and did much more to increase the equality gap. 

The Koch brothers were confronted some legal response to environmental abuses.   They also resented their tax rates and started behind the scenes efforts to change the laws.  They spent literally hundreds of millions of dollars.  They found ways to legally increase donations to groups who fought their battles.  Some money was given to the "spontaneous" Tea Party and to Rush Limbaugh among many others. Much money was funneled to compliant politicians.

Here in Canada Stephen Harper was in the battle to lower taxes and de-regulate annoying environmental laws.  He was stopped by the courts at one time, but continued his efforts.  Since then the equality gap has widened.

 Some earlier thought on taxes: 

 There is much more than I can convey in a blog post.  I have skimmed over many points and left out many relevant points.  Carol Off has much more to say and is worth the effort.

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