Monday, March 3, 2025

Bolehkah Sekali Saja Kumenangis

 A tongue twister for a title and something picked as a time filler.  The plot includes an abusive father, group therapy and a bit of a romance.  Nothing very original, but very (I mean very) well done. Indonesian films are now getting more attention.

They had done research for abusive fathers and group therapy.  The writing made sense, the acting was very believable and the directing precise.

Tari goes to her room to try to avoid hearing her father shout and hit her mother.  She has been going to therapy, but at this stage is not willing to share with the other participants.  We are introduced to Baskara who seems to be well regarded, but when teased violently hits a fellow and is persuaded to go to the same group therapy as Tari.  They become "friends" with a hint of romance.

The father Pras at various times hits his wife, Tari, and Baskara.  Not excessively, but very firm.  But he has work stresses.  Surprisingly he joins a therapy group.

Does it have a happy ending?   Sort of, but it is realistic.

This is very well done and here are some of the contributors.

Reka Wjaya is the director.  She has 17 director credits, 9 for writing and 3 for acting.

Uma Shahab was one of the writers and a producer.  Uma is well known as a singer, once winning for children's music.  He wrote and performed two songs, one of which I bought.

Alim Sudir was another writer.  He has 92 writing credits, 2 for acting and 1 for producing including for "Heartbreak Motel" (2024).  See

Prilly Latuconsina was still another writer and an executive producer and critically played the lead female, Tari.  She has been a successful singer.  Prilly has 30 acting credits and 11 as producer and 1 for writing, including "Andragogy" (2023).  Check

Andi Rianto was responsible  for the music.  He had been to America for high school and then graduated from the Berklee College of Music.  He has been the leader of the Magenta Orchestra.  He has 79 composing credits plus 6 for the music department and 4 for acting.

Amalia T.S. was the cinematographer.  She has 24 cinematography credits, 3 for the camera and electrial department and 2 for producing.

Oliver Sitompul was the editor with 17 editor credits.

Pradikta Wicaksono played Baskara.  He had been a singer.  Pradikta has 6 acting credits.

Surya Saputra played Pras, the abusive father.  Also another singer.  He has 57 acting credits.

Dominque Sanda played Devi, the mother.  She has 20 acting credits.

I regret I could not confidently identify the woman who played the group therapy leader.  She was very good.  Overall the cast was very believable. 

The film is available subtitled on Netflix.  A quiet gem.

As usual I have bolded the first mention of films I have seen.  They are not necessarily a recommendation, but generally I found them worthy of my time and if you follow the links you should be able to determine if either film is worth following up.

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